Comments on: FCC Gives Broadcasters A Lump Of Coal For The New Year Broadcast Industry News - Television, Cable, On-demand Wed, 03 Jan 2024 05:52:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wed, 03 Jan 2024 05:52:49 +0000 Alpena MI one station owns all of the big 4 but that is a very small market they maybe granted wavier in that case. Yeah, the FCC doesn’t seem to get it pick on the broadcasters and not go after Big tech which is rivals to the broadcasters in my opinion with a lot of choices this is backwards and abuse of power 3 commish that clearly don’t know how things work. This is going to the courts and be years before the rules ever take effect maybe never will be a rule because the supreme court could rule in the broadcast favor in my opinion. The FCC is a joke the current FCC 3 commish have no spine whatsoever.

By: jcrollman Tue, 02 Jan 2024 22:17:27 +0000 Broadcasters have spent the last 20 years stringing along consumers with retransmission fee battles, blackouts and lackluster content when they should have been focused on understanding and delivering on what consumers want. It’s not the FCC that is killing broadcasters. It’s old-fashioned bad business.

By: AIMTV Tue, 02 Jan 2024 17:38:11 +0000 So, the only key to saving broadcasting is more consolidation and less regulation? It seems we’ve been on a 20-year tear of that, and it’s only contributed to the slow-motion train wreck we find ourselves in today. Profit motive without a viable vision for the future is a doom spiral. The innovators with the answers are the smaller guys who play within the rules, not the big trying to get bigger ones by throwing out any rules.

By: Former Producer Tue, 02 Jan 2024 16:59:56 +0000 I don’t live in Tornado Alley. However, in those regions, TV stations do give priority to weather coverage, and rightfully so! It is a matter of life or death when a tornado hits. I used to live and work in the Southeast U.S., and when hurricane season came through, we handled it just the same as our colleagues in the Midwest handled tornado outbreaks. Yes, local weather is the number-one reason why people still watch local TV news, and I think local meteorologists do a tremendous and important job…and yes, a public service too.

I’m not looking forward to local TV’s demise either. It’s already happening! Blame whatever and whoever you want for it. What’s clear is fewer people are watching local TV news because they no longer see it as relevant. Especially younger viewers who get their news from their smartphones and see no reason to watch TV news.

For all of the hand wringing I hear on here about the FCC, I don’t hear anyone point out that billion-dollar broadcasting corporations are just as much, if not more, to blame for the industry’s state of affairs. These corporations bought up local TV stations in a frenzy and ran the stations with an emphasis on revenue and profit, NOT public service. Now that the advertising revenue is starting to dry up, these corporations are feasting on retransmission fees charged to cable and satellite companies that are likewise losing subscribers and are likewise hesitating to pay. It’s a risky business model!

And what happens then when that tornado hits a community? People go to their TV and realize their cable company doesn’t carry that important local channel anymore. Why? Because [FILL IN THE BLANK BROADCASTER] wanted even more money from [FILL IN THE BLANK CABLE/SATELLITE COMPANY]? Goodness, you mean to tell me a broadcast company that made billions in revenue put business ahead of a public service?

As for being “prematurely retired?” Well, that’s you making assumptions. I chose to leave the business. I work fewer hours and earn a much-better salary as a result. Thanks for asking!

By: BeyondTheBeltway Tue, 02 Jan 2024 16:39:45 +0000 The FCC couldn’t put that genie back in the bottle if they wanted to. At best, they can only prolong the agony. Technology is the culprit and a very unforgiving one at that. The buggywhip manufacturers learned that lesson the hard way. Broadcasters need to stop looking for regulators to save them and start adapting or get out of the business while they still can walk away with some equity.

By: Cosmo Tue, 02 Jan 2024 16:22:26 +0000 I think we all know why FORMER PRODUCER is a former producer. If he lives in tornado country, will he able to turn to the tornado warnings he will get from Netflix and Prime since he’s looking forward to local TV’s demise? As for the airwaves being a public resource, the airwaves may be public but last time I looked the govt. is not making the payroll or buying cameras, cellular backpacks or transmitters.
Must be tough to be prematurely retired from your chosen profession; it shows.

By: Former Producer Tue, 02 Jan 2024 15:59:19 +0000 An axe to grind? Nah, I’m calling out the obvious.

The days of local broadcasting, with the emphasis on local, are done! Most of the TV stations in the United States are owned or controlled by Nexstar, Sinclair, and Gray. Each company is homogenizing local news to various levels, and in some cases, are eliminating local news altogether because it is no longer profitable. What do you think will happen in those news markets when a disaster hits and in the days and weeks afterward? Don’t forget that private equity companies like Apollo Global Management slid into the local news business because profit must be made!

Do you honestly think these companies are truly interested in the public interest? I say no! They’ll pay lip service to the idea but pay more attention to bringing in the profits for shareholders. But when those dang ol’ FCC regulations get in the way of those unmitigated efforts to bring in money? Oh boy, that’s when these companies howl and scream about how unfair it is to play by the rules of the very game they chose to play.

By: metrojoe Tue, 02 Jan 2024 14:46:17 +0000 Sounds like FORMER PRODUCER has an axe to grind. Broadcasters have long served their communities with local news, information and entertainment. The most successful stations are highly engaged with non-profit organizations to help meet needs in their markets. Try and imagine recovering from disasters without the services that local broadcasters provide long after the national spotlight is gone. The FCC decision is at best tone deaf and at the politically motivated.

By: Former Producer Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:51:45 +0000 Never mind the fact that the airwaves are a public resource in the United States.

Never mind the fact that broadcasters are required, by federal law, to operate in the public interest.

Never mind the fact that large broadcasters gobbled up stations, not to serve the public interest, but to have more leverage in renegotiating retransmission fees.

Never mind the fact that large broadcasters already have and currently use loopholes that allow them to control more TV stations through what are effectively shell companies (Nexstar and Mission, Sinclair and Deerfield and Cunningham, etc.).

In case I haven’t made it clear, I don’t sympathize with the broadcast industry here. Broadcasters ignored the possibilities of digital and streaming news as far back as the 1990s. Broadcasters effectively ignored their duty to operate in the public interest in favor of operating in the shareholders’ interest. Yet, they signed up to play this game when they sought and received FCC licenses to broadcast on the public airwaves. How surprising that they must play by the rules of the very game they signed up to play.

Or, to quote a line from the 1980 comedy classic Airplane…

“They bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let ‘em crash!”
