Comments on: Study: TV & Radio Broadcasters Significant Contributors To Nation’s Economy Broadcast Industry News - Television, Cable, On-demand Fri, 05 Jan 2024 16:00:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: AIMTV Fri, 05 Jan 2024 16:00:23 +0000 Indeed, broadcasters benefit the U.S. economy and society, especially compared to their counterparts in cable & social media. But there is room for improvement. AM (and some FM) Talk radio and so-called “religious” radio/TV stations in various markets often spread misinformation, disinformation, and political propaganda without a modicum of FCC oversight. In most cases, the so-called “religious” channels are thinly veiled political propaganda outlets that peddle their messages and avoid taxation—a literal wolf in sheep’s clothing. You cannot, or should not, be having it both ways. Also, FCC rules must be updated to reflect reality for required E/I programming, which is an open joke. If so many kids and teens are being served, why are all the ads targeted to old people?
