Comments on: Talking TV: Ticker News Chases A Purely FAST News Model Broadcast Industry News - Television, Cable, On-demand Fri, 11 Aug 2023 17:40:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: AIMTV Fri, 11 Aug 2023 17:40:32 +0000 Another great interview and subject Michael. Ahron may be on to something, using myself as a case study, as inadvisable as that may be. I simply can’t stomach the political coverage in the US, it has the capacity to ruin one’s day and indeed, I believe it has ruined millions of relationships, and entire geographies even, turning otherwise nice, heartfelt, charitable, and generally loving and happy folks to angry, perpetual victims, and bitter or sad caricatures of their previous selves. Politicizing everything gets old quickly. It means other people would rather disengage than drink from the poisoned well of partisan skewing news. I personally usually scan BBC, PBS, Al Jazeera, or a host of other international networks, or simply read Reuters or AP on my phone to obtain a more context and balanced view of world news in a more adult and much less intelligence-insulting manner. But I hope Ticker can not only serve its target audience but broaden it from Elon Musk fanboys. The cult of personality is a bit long in tooth and IMHO not a great long-term biz model. In this interview, as described, at least, Ticker does look, feel and smell like a potentially lower-budget Cheddar and as a micro-budgeted producer of newsworthy travel programming and video journalism, I believe that can be a really good thing. When you don’t have huge overhead one has much more freedom to make different choices, like spending a month in Ukraine because I wanted to film and witness and share history unfolding (while helping others). So long as journalistic standards and integrity don’t suffer in the desperate dive for dollars, I wish them luck and will be watching (literally and figuratively) with interest. PS Life in the Fastlane is genius. Someone trademark that quick.
