Comments on: Talking TV: Coalition For Local News Raises Its Hand For A Rule Change Broadcast Industry News - Television, Cable, On-demand Fri, 28 Jul 2023 14:59:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: AIMTV Fri, 28 Jul 2023 14:59:13 +0000 Media years are like dog years. Nearly 10 years of “reviewing” a rule in electronic media is like 70 in another industry. I wonder if the FCC would not be reacting more quickly in general to proposed mergers and overdue rule changes if there weren’t a “two on two” stalemate going on? As we’ve seen, no decision IS a decision. Inaction is indeed a form of action.

Politicians have recently praised the FCC as “bi-partisan,” which raises red flags in my suspicious mind. Inaction is bipartisanship? With bipartisanship like that who needs compromise?

The FCC needs a fifth member to be effective. But somehow that process keeps getting obstructed. That’s not bipartisanship, that’s just more inaction and thus politics-as-usual, these days.

If the FCC can be demonstrated to be ineffective, then perhaps it can be disbanded. Perhaps that’s the intent? Inaction leads to ineffectiveness which leads to destruction from within. Weakened institutions lead to a weakened nation.

Kudos and good luck to the committee in this environment on their noble fight.

Nice interview, as usual, Michael.
