Smaller news vehicles, cameras that acquire, stream and even edit video, connectivity via bonded cellular, low earth orbit satellite, 2 GHz, 5G: the changing economics of the video news industry has technologists imagining new ways to handle the live shot. We gather leaders in traditional and non-traditional ENG to imagine the future together.
NewsTECHForum 2021: News Video in a Changing Media Ecosystem
NewsTECHForum 2021: News Video in a Changing Media Ecosystem
NewsTECHForum 2021: News Video in a Changing Media Ecosystem
NewsTECHForum 2021: News Video in a Changing Media Ecosystem
NewsTECHForum 2021: News Video in a Changing Media Ecosystem
NewsTECHForum 2021: News Video in a Changing Media Ecosystem